Jacob Turner

Slight of frame, red of beard, lazy in nature.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Photoshop Composites

Its Better To Burn Out Than Fade AwayThe lyric by Neil Young taken a little bit out of context by a certain face of grunge. I chose to take abit of a literal approach to this and include fading and ashes rather than actual fire to represent having "burnt out". The common thought is in agreeance that it is indeed better to burn out than fade away, but because I'm being quite literal in my representation I wanted to make my point slightly different and show that my subject fading is still leaving an impact and although the slight double up of the car in the background was an accident I ment to fix, I thought it would be best to leave it as is to show that impact. I'm sure thats the reason, and not just because I'm a lazy human being. The ashes on the other hand have no story or journey, they are just simply there.The Other Side Of The Rainbow
The other side of the rainbow, this more of an excercise of just "doing" I found some interesting images on the internet of a desert/rock formation. Included images of my own shrubbery and trees and just tried a few different things with opacity, colour overlays, black and white and colour tints. Erasing certain parts and overlapping images gave me a nice if not slightly confusing effect. A very bleak image, which is what I wanted to portray as the "Other side of the rainbow" at this stage to make it that little bit of an extra cliche I added in the graveyard in the background and gave it a slightly blue/purple tint to make it alittle bit more surreal and obvious. The rainbow itself is doubled up to make it a little wider and clearer. The sign I made in illustrator, and then changed again in photoshop to make it look older and darker. I put the reflective light in the actual post on the oposite side to make it a little bit confusing when it comes to what direction the sign is actually facing. Actually, it was just another accident that happened to work in my favour
How The West Was Won
This one was just pure fun for me. I wasn't really sure how to represent this, so again I just started. I found a bunch of photos I thought would look funny and be good to use, and then tried to think of how I could make a few them work in context with how the west was won. I just thought "Technology" was how the west was won, whoever had the biggest guns. So I threw in the photo of Tom and Soph, drew the sword in illustrator, and had them fighting an Ant. Now the robot is approaching and it's pretty obvious who's going to win. I used the desert scene to just represent the west. I'm still trying different things to get shadows right, in this I duplicated the images and blackened them, added some blur and distorted them. I'm sure I can improve on it but it's a start. Eye Of The Tornado
This one I had a little bit more of a go at. To go with the obvious and show a small piece of calm in the middle of chaos. Originally I planned on having a person meditating in the small patch of calm grass but I decided that just showing that small patch was enough. I also originally planned to have the image full of litter and objects flying around but once I'd added a few of these items I realised it was becoming cluttered and looked more like a garbage pile with a small clear patch than anything else. I distorted some of the brick piers and grass to help represent the wind and drew the commet/meteor in photoshop just for abit of fun and something different to add to the "Chaos". The train carrige in the background is also an image of mine, I turned the red right up on this to draw abit more attention to it. The sky was originally clear, this is what took me the most amount of time was getting it to match in with the trees, I think I did okay with it but could be better.

A stitch In Time Saves Nine

This was possibly my favourite. I started by interpreting what the saying means, to me personally I think it means doing a job now saving doing a harder job later. One stitch to repair now, saves putting in nine later when the hole opens up further. So I decided to show this physically with one deteriorating home in comparison to a clean, well maintained house. The hard line down the centre seperating the two homes was originally going to allow each side to fade into each other but this took away from the juxtaposition I was trying to show. To show the extra effort in maintaining the house I put in the lawnmower, paint cans and bin.

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